Fri 10 Jan
💋Citas Sexuales Dama de acompañante👫 24hrs 🏪💋 - 23 - 25
(Asheville, Boone, Charlotte, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, High Point, Norte Carolina, Outer Banks, Wilmington, Winston / Salem)
@@@@@@@@@Mistress Wanda Seeking Good Clients @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ - 50
(Charlotte, Greensboro, High Point, Mins from Salisbury In Gold Hill, Winston / Salem)
Thu 09 Jan
💋One && 💋💕OnLy 👯WaNt tO hAvE tHe BeSt NiGhT oF uR liFe💕💫 Go nO fUrThEr &ClIcK; HeRe💙👯 - 22
(High Point, High point/Greensboro)
Wed 08 Jan
Looking for the perfect playmate? Call ❤️Kelly❤️ for the perfect date! - 21
(High Point, High Point/Archdale Area)
Tue 07 Jan